How I got my start

My floral journey starts back when I was just a little girl. My mom and I experimented with planting flowers in our backyard. We tried roses, wildflowers, sunflowers, and just about anything that looked fun that you could buy in a seed packet. My mom always loved having fresh flowers in the house. She was always making small arrangements to sprinkle throughout our home. To this day, she still has fresh flowers on the table every week. So you could say my mom gave me my start. My interest in professional floral design came about after graduating college with an interior design degree. I loved studying all of the elements and principles of design in college – color, texture, scale, proportion. And those things can be applied to so many design disciplines – flowers, fashion, interiors, pottery, sculpture, architecture, etc. Not long after I graduated I was approached by a friend who was planning her wedding. She had always complimented me on my decorating skills and was wondering if I would try my hand at designing her bouquets for her wedding. I didn’t think twice about saying yes. Before I knew it I was neck deep in research whether it was books, magazines, websites, local floral shops. I wanted to know it all and master it as best as I could. Needless to say my friend adored her flowers. I started to get requests from other people to do their weddings, and the rest is basically history!